Print easy-to-read custom label ON DEMAND
Vigilant’s Pharmacy solution enables hospital staff to print stored or custom labels on-demand. Our solution works even works when your IT department is not. The solution was invented by a pharmacist who worked in a hospital with a less than stellar network. Vigilant’s solution works without the requirement of being on the hospital network.
- Need a few custom labels for compounded drugs? Don’t handwrite the drug information on blank label.
- Need a batch of COVID-19 labels that don’t exist? Don’t wait several days for custom printing.

Vigilant Pharmacy Solution
Create, Store and Print custom labels on demand
without IT department
Vigilant’s passionate about patient safety. Whether it is our
syringe labeling solution or IV tubing, the Vigilant team
developed this system to optimize patient safety.
But, Vigilant believes even more so in creating a simplified
process that is incredibly easy-to-use. Hospital staff
desperately want to spend their precious time focused on
the patient. Vigilant enables that with a one click, one touch
process to printing immaculate custom labels on-demand.

Vigilant Benefits To The Hospitals
Technology that eliminates the hassle surrounding drug labeling means properly labeled syringes/IV tubes are the norm.
Don’t let another Joint Commission survey happen without Vigilant’s patented solution. Compliance concern will be a thing of the past.
Do you have lost charges for drugs drawn outside of the pharmacy? Vigilant is proven to solve that challenge.